BATCH RENAME This command allows you to incrementally rename the files in the file list. Selecting it displays a dialog where you are asked to specify a "root name" and an incrementing style. The style choices are: • 1..2..3..4... / a1..a2..b1..b2... • Suffix/Prefix Their effects are best described by example. In the examples, you have entered the string "MyFile" for root name. • Suffix / a1..a2..b1..b2... Selected -------------------------------------- First file renamed: MyFile.a1 Second file renamed: MyFile.a2 Third file renamed: MyFile.a3 ... Tenth file renamed: MyFile.b1 Eleventh file renamed: MyFile.b2 • Prefix / 1..2..3... Selected -------------------------------------- First file renamed: 1.MyFile Second file renamed: 2.MyFile Third file renamed: 3.MyFile ... Tenth file renamed: 10.MyFile Eleventh file renamed: 11.MyFile Say you have many versions of a certain file. First, you get all the versions into the file list, then you sort the list by creation date. Now, by using "Batch Rename" you can rename the files to reflect the order they were created in. This command can be aborted. Those files not yet renamed keep their current names. This command can be undone. After chosing this command, the undo item in the Edit menu changes to "Undo Rename".